Rafika's Bio


Rafika Suhandi
Visual artist

● A warm hello to you! My name is Rafika and I am the person behind the Fika's Art Box curtain.

● My artistic journey began with a familiar sight: A toddler with a crayon and a misused office notepad.

● Eight birthdays and countless notepads later, I started creating oil pastel arts. Mostly for my own enjoyment and the fun at doodle hours with my playmates -although there were times when I painted special pieces for fine art competitions and the like. Some of those early-year works had become the properties of educational institutions to be enjoyed by their communities as well as the public. Which got my little surprised mind thinking "If creating is all it takes to spread my happiness, then I will create. Then create some more!"

● I hope my arts bring smiles to you and yours. They truly come from my heart and would not be here without your inspiring support. Thank you so much! :)

Peace, love, and pretty colours,

Fika's Art Box on Etsy

Fika's Art Box on Twitter